Saturday, July 28, 2012

104th Chicago-Mackinac Race

Once again it was time for one of the highlights of the summer in Chicago, the “Mac raceaboard Joie De Vie. The crew aboard this were Ken and Randy Hastings, Jim, Kerry, Elizabeth, Susan, Garret, and I. Unfortunately, Marty Hastings is no longer with us but his spirit was alive aboard and even more since the whole Hastings family were participating. This race was in the honor of Marty and his ashes were spread under the Mackinac bridge. A big thanks to Donna Hastings to keep Joie De Vie, so we all can get together and relive the memories from the time Marty was with us. I also missed my foredeck pal, Lee. He could not join us on the race because of health condition, but he did drive up to the Island for a couple of days.
In this race Joie De Vie with Jim Clauser at helm had the best start in the section.   
This year was also the warmest ever. I didn’t wear the foul weather gear at all, not even during night shifts, which is unusual. But no worries, Jim, John and I had to pay back on the way back. Right after departure from Mackinac, a weather front came through with high winds and heavy rain. The rain drops felt like bullet in the face. Seas were steep and short and with the wind (25-30) on the nose. On top of that I had a few rum drinks too many the night before! The rain and high winds lasted the whole day. So the gear I brought all the way from Earthling came to use.     
Mackinac is a beautiful island with a history to it, read last year’s blog input. Ken and I rented two bicycles and biked around the island, which reminded me of the first time I visited Mackinac 14 years ago.
The second highlight of the mac race is to deliver Joie De Vie back to Chicago, which usually takes five days. This year we stopped at Charlevoix and Manestee in Michigan and Shaboygan and Racine on the Wisconsin side. One of Marty’s highschool friends, John joined us back for the delivery.
I also replaced my Iphone right before the race and have been handicapped and out of touch. I was really hoping the phone could be returned and it almost did! Somebody found it, called us, and returned it to Burnham Harbor. But there are no traces of it at the marina office!  
The 104th race to Mackinac took Joie De Vie 46hrs 24min to finish.
 Sunrises and sunsets are other parts of this event that I certainly enjoy. In the last 9 days Ive seen five sunrises and five sunsets. 
Sunset first night
Sunrise second day

Spinnaker flying the whole race

Sunset, second night
Sunrise 3rd day

Ken And Randy spreading Marty's ashes under the Mackinac Bridge

18 boats in 36.7 design rafted up
Joie De Vie Crew

Love from the Mac Race

Check the full photo album on facebook page, click here